The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Here are some links to websites that you may find interesting. First one is Tino's Company's website:

Second is a link to Holiday greetings from soliders; you can click on any State and see who has left a video or audio message:

You never know, maybe there is another person you may know that has left a message.

Hey TINO where's the message to ME??? =)


Blogger Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...


You know I'm not sure where abouts on the website you're looking? Does it say Hometown Heros? When I was posting it I was referring to the News story they did on his company. He wasn't in the clips. Is that what you are referring to? Or is there another link I didn't see?

7:01 PM

Blogger Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...


Isn't BLOGGING cool? Tino is impressed how fast I get the pictures up!! =)

SHELDY! I found the link you were talking about, it didn't show on my small screen so I had been missing it! Your right, Tino wasn't in there. I fixed that though and just entered his info, I think they have to call and verify info before it gets posted though. Thanks so much for pointing that out for me!


5:21 PM


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