The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Friday, January 13, 2006

Well, today's the day.....Tino leaves to go back to Iraq! His plane leaves around 12:15 this afternoon.

I knew the time was going to FLY by! It seems like he just got here and now I'm putting him back on the plane to go back to that place! BUT on the other hand he is almost done!! Six more months and he will be home for good! Maybe only 4 more months in Iraq, they have to go to Kuwait and then MS for debriefing type stuff.

We have a bet that I will be 40-60 pounds lighter when he gets back, so I got to get to work!! I also just found out that I have a torn Miniscus and the Doc says he wants to operate. I'll have a lot to work on before he gets back.

So stay tuned, Tino and I will be back to our postings soon!

Say a prayer for him while he's flying!



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