The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Friday, November 11, 2005

Here he is GRILLIN' Ahhhh just like home!!! =)

Here he is with some of his guys

Here he is KING OF THE MOUNTAIN!! =)

Tino "relaxing" looks just like home (minus the protective gear!) =)

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Sorry, I had the SECURITY on so non-members couldn't post, just in case of SPAMMERS! I fixed it, so if you have been trying to post something and couldn't, you should be able to now.


TINO is well

Well the unit has finally got their satellite internet up and running. I have been able to "talk" to Tino on a daily basis for the last week. He has sent many pictures and I can't wait to post them here!

I think my favorite is the one of him....can you guess?? GRILLING STEAKS on the BBQ!!! Just like home!!! =)

Please feel free to leave some well wishes. As soon as I can get him acclimated to this blogging thing he will start posting!

Hope all is well with everyone!
