The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Thursday, December 22, 2005


FURRY HOLLY TINSEL comes home!! Who is that you ask? THAT'S TINO'S secret Christmas name! Wanna find out what yours is? Someone from the BEACH BODY threads shared this website with everyone:

TELL US WHAT YOUR secret Christmas name is! =)

By the way I am:

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


ONLY 5 until our soldier heads home for leave. The Christmas tree is holding up fairly well, waiting with presents for Tino!! =)

Are you ready for the FREEZING temps and snow sweetie??

You've been awful quite lately! =(


Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Less than a week until TINO is on his way home!! I'm SO excited!! Now if I can just figure out how to stop the clock while he is here!!! =)

This was sent out today by Mary Lou Ohara from the 109th Support Group. I think it's a wonderful thing and it helps out the Girl Scouts:

Hello Everyone,

Girl Scout troop 58 ad 59 out of Scranton is working on a badge and has asked me to ask for you help. It really doesn't take much more than a candle and a match.
These girls have sent each soldier a candle and have asked them to light it on Christmas Day at 7am and for us to light our candle at 11pm on Christmas Eve.
I hope you are able to help these girls out. Thanks Mary Lou

This email is from Co A 1 109th

please try to do it.


Monday, December 19, 2005


Well we are in to the final countdown!! 7 Days until Tino leaves Iraq for home! We are all anxiously awaiting his return home! It will also be the halfway mark of his tour! He will be home, hopefully in June/July.

Did you see that DICK CHENEY the VP was in IRAQ? Well Tino was one of the soliders that was involved in security for his visit! The First SGT sent us a letter with a littel detail, here it is:

Local Unit Provides Security for Vice President Visit in Iraq
Story by MAJ Patrick Monahan
AL ASAD, Iraq (Dec. 18, 2005) – When a distinguished visitor such as the Vice President conducts a shortnotice
stop to visit with the troops in Iraq, there are lots of behind-the-scenes details to be accomplished.
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 109th Infantry, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard Unit currently
stationed at Al Asad, Iraq to provide security for the base, recently saw to many of those details when
Vice President Dick Cheney made a stop there to visit with troops.
Long before the arrival of the high profile guest, members of the battalion were busy conducting
patrols outside and inside the base and ensuring that a myriad of other details were accomplished so that
all areas were clear of potential threats the visit went off without a hitch. The unit also provided a security
escort as the Vice President moved around the base, ensured that the locations he visited were secure,
and provided stand-by emergency medical assistance capability. Lieutenant Colonel Mike Konzman, the
Battalion Commander, explained the mission of the unit. "We make sure that there are no threats inside
and outside the base, like enemy mortar teams or someone trying to shoot down an aircraft with a missile
or RPG. Usually, when a high visibility visitor like the Vice President travels, a lot of secret service
personnel come along with him to see to many of the security measures. For this visit, only a small detail
arrived ahead of time, so we picked up a major part of the security requirements" explained Konzman.
Providing security for visitors to the base is not new to members of the unit. "We’ve done this
type of security before for other VIPs, but never for someone like the Vice President, so there are more
security measures involved, more patrols, more things to check", said First Lieutenant Christopher
Jackson of Whitley City, Kentucky, an officer with Company D, 1st Battalion, 149thInfantry, from
Middlesboro Kentucky, one of the units assigned to the 109th Infantry.
A squad of soldiers from the battalion escorted Cheney around the base in armored Humvees,
the same type of vehicles that are routinely used when the unit conducts security patrols or convoy
escorts throughout western Iraq. Security was so tight that most of the soldiers in the Battalion didn’t
know Cheney was visiting until he arrived. "They didn’t tell us who it was until right before he arrived" said
Corporal Derek Marinaro, of East Stroudsburg, PA. "Usually we know a few days ahead of time who is
coming. We were all trying to figure out who it was going to be". Marinaro was lucky enough to sit with
Cheney and several other Soldiers and Marines as the Vice President conducted a question and answer
session with the service members.
Cheney visited the base to thank all the troops in Iraq for the hard work surrounding the recent
elections. "I think it’s great that someone like the Vice President comes here all the way from the States
to show his support for us, and it’s awesome that the Battalion is involved in guarding him for the visit"
said Sergeant Bill Fasceski of Honesdale, PA. "It makes me feel proud that what we are doing is making
a difference and everyone back home sees and knows we are making a difference" said Fasceski.

Pretty cool huh?