The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Monday, February 06, 2006


Yup! That's right you heard me!! Tino gave me a little extra present when he came home on leave! =) It was unexpected but we are really excited! The EDD is October 4, 2006 *right around MY Birthday* Tino will be home in PLENTY of time to take birthing classes and learn how to change diapers! ;)Anthony is excited for us, as well as both of our families, although no one really believed me at first!

I'm feeling pretty good, just tired already but hopefully I will not be sick the whole 9 months like I was with Anthony.

Thanks to everyone that has called or emailed us with their congratulations, it really is comforting to know I have LOTS of support until Tino gets home!

Can't wait to see you again Sweetie! LOVE YA!

Shel and the little "pearl" *that was for you SHLEDY ;) *