The adventures of Tino and his Chicken while stationed in IRAQ

Saturday, November 19, 2005


NOOOOO a CAMEL SPIDER!!!! Look at the size of that thing!! Tino says its a SMALL one!!! EEEEK!!!

*My Sister would have a coronary*

My FAVORITE picture.....

I LOVE this picture of TINO


He's a Tough old bird!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Watch the news....

All you local people! Channel 16 or WNEP is over in Iraq and filming Holiday messages from the soliders. I don't know if Tino is one of them but you never know! Check out the link too to see if they are posting the messages there. They will be airing; Tuesday Nov 22 at 6pm & 7 pm and Wednesday Nov 23 at 6pm & 7pm.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Would find POULTRY in the desert!!!!!

here are some Partridges

More Pictures....

Tino sent another couple today,

Here he is in a MUDHUT!! Look at that REAL FINISH!!! No Faux finishes there!! =)


Thank you to all family and friends for stopping by and saying hello! Even to those of you who emailed me; not quite sure of how to post here! I have passed those thoughts on to TINO!

So hopefully you all celebrated Veterans Day by thanking Vet, going to a parade or flying the American Flag.

TINO~ I LOVE YOU and I am thankful every day you are in my life. I miss you terribly and can't wait to see you!! I hope your leave is still on schedule!